(Re)constructing Communities/
design participation in the face of change
5th Pacific Rim Participatory Community Design Conference
September 2-5, 2004 University of Washington, Seattle
In countries and regions across the Pacific Rim, participatory community design and planning have become an increasingly important component of the local planning and design process. From advocacy planning and citizen participation developed in the United States, models of similar practice now can also be found in countries such as Japan and Taiwan. The parallel movements across the Pacific Rim have brought recognition of the democratic process in planning and design as well as a focus on community building. However, recent social changes across the Pacific Rim have also begun to challenge the traditional notion of “community” as well as the norms of participatory practice.
The growing need for community design and the changing conditions of communities present a dual challenge across the Pacific Rim. They also provide opportunities for critical comparisons and analysis. The three-day conference brings together leading scholars and practitioners from Canada, China, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, and the U.S., to engage in a cross-cultural dialogue on changing communities and implications for community design practice in the Pacific Rim.
Conference Sponsored by:
- Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Architecture and Urban Planning (University of Washington)
- Landscape Architecture Program (University of California, Davis)
- Northwest Center for Livable Communities (University of Washington)
- With support from the Pacific Rim Research Program, University of California, Taiwan Ministry of Education, and Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Washington
Conference Organizers:
Mark Francis (University of California, Davis); Jeffrey Hou and Nathan Brightbill (University of Washington, Seattle)