2012 Seoul, S. Korea


The 8th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network
Seoul National University, August 22-24, 2012


City greening has become a common effort to enhance the quality of life and mitigate the negative aspects of contemporary urban conditions. From urban gardening to urban agriculture, working with people is a basic premise in planning and design in diverse fields. Moreover, the word “green” does not mean just green space and design. It also implies a sustainable mode of life and value system in the age of climate change. As such, green community design suggests a new direction to embrace current changes in diverse areas such as placemaking, open space planning, urban design, etc. Recently, the tendency toward development-oriented planning has been re-examined in South Korea. Caring for residents and respecting existing urban ecology has become a top agenda in urban policy. It was time for all members of the Pacific Rim community design network to visit Seoul and discuss our future together. The conference provided an open platform to share knowledge and experiences on these issues. Diverse cases and different stories concerning cities, green policy, community participation, and partnership were presented. The conference was held in Seoul, Korea.

Chair of Organizing Committee: Kyung-Jin Zoh, Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University

Secretary-General: Kyung A Kang, Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University